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SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics

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Table of Contents
Volume 69, Issue 5, pp. 1205-1500

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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The Complete Classification for Dynamics in a Nine-Dimensional West Nile Virus Model

Jifa Jiang and Zhipeng Qiu

pp. 1205-1227

Stability of Curved Interfaces in the Perturbed Two-Dimensional Allen–Cahn System

David Iron, Theodore Kolokolonikov, John Rumsey, and Juncheng Wei

pp. 1228-1243

Three Limit Cycles in a Leslie–Gower Predator-Prey Model with Additive Allee Effect

Pablo Aguirre, Eduardo González-Olivares, and Eduardo Sáez

pp. 1244-1262

Double-Diffusive Convection in a Porous Layer in the Presence of Vibration

Natalia Strong

pp. 1263-1276

Time-Domain Methods for Diffusive Transport in Soft Matter

John Fricks, Lingxing Yao, Timothy C. Elston, and M. Gregory Forest

pp. 1277-1308

Diffraction by a Semi-Infinite Interfacial Crack Sandwiched between Two Isotropic Half Planes

V. Kubzina, A. K. Gautesen, and L. Ju. Fradkin

pp. 1309-1333

On Center Subspace Behavior in Thin Film Equations

V. A. Galaktionov and P. J. Harwin

pp. 1334-1358

Bursting Oscillations Induced by Small Noise

Pawel Hitczenko and Georgi S. Medvedev

pp. 1359-1392

Derivation of a Continuum Model for the Long-Range Elastic Interaction on Stepped Epitaxial Surfaces in $2+1$ Dimensions

Haoyun Xu and Yang Xiang

pp. 1393-1414

Voltage and Current Spectra for Matrix Power Converters

Stephen M. Cox and Stephen C. Creagh

pp. 1415-1437

A Double Layer Surface Traction Free Green's Tensor

Darko Volkov

pp. 1438-1456

A Two-Dimensional Diffusion Approximation for a Loss Model with Trunk Reservation

Charles Knessl and John A. Morrison

pp. 1457-1476

Numerical Modeling of Electrowetting by a Shape Inverse Approach

Jérôme Monnier, Patrick Witomski, Patrick Chow-Wing-Bom, and Claire Scheid

pp. 1477-1500